Make the sky your advertising space

9 Consejos para planificar un Concierto Evento al aire libre

Planificación de un evento musical al aire libre es un proceso tan emocionante; la música, el ambiente, el clima, la gente.

Para asegurarse de que su evento concierto es un éxito completo, siga estos consejos para un evento que mece.

People cheering at a music festival

1. Tómese todo el tiempo para planificar

Planificación de un evento musical al aire libre significa haciendo malabarismos con un montón de bolas; que necesita para organizar bandas, vendedores y el lugar, así como la comercialización y venta de boletos para el evento. Me gustaría recomendar darse meses (si no años!) Para planear el evento de principio a fin, si usted no quiere que el pánico de última hora.

2. Planificar bien el espacio

El evento l música tendrá suficiente espacio abierto para las etapas que necesita, además de las zonas de backstage, furgonetas cocina, cuarto de baño portátiles, y por supuesto para acampar si se trata de un festival de fin de semana. No olvide que usted necesitará una buena cantidad de espacio entre las etapas si no va a haber más de uno.

3. Usted necesitará un montón de equipos técnicos

Todo el enfoque de su evento va a ser la música en vivo, lo que significa una etapa adecuada, equipos de iluminación, equipos de sonido y equipo especial escenario como máquina de humo, máquina de burbujas foam cloud machine etc.,

8 Tips for Planning an Outdoor Music Event

4. Presupuesto sabiamente para artistas

Usted puede ser la suerte de atraer a grandes músicos de nombre a su festival, pero sea consciente de su presupuesto total artista.

Si te dan una enorme acto estrella que utiliza su presupuesto total, que va a luchar para mantener entretenidos a los asistentes al festival durante la duración del festival. Piense acerca de tener una mezcla ecléctica de firmar, el talento local, up-and-coming bandas, con un gran nombre o dos tirado en si el presupuesto lo permite.

5. Obtener los permisos adecuados

Usted no puede darse cuenta de esto, pero si su concierto se llevará a cabo en terrenos públicos, es muy probable que necesite un permiso de la ciudad. La última cosa que quiere es conseguir cerrar el día, ya que no tiene su documentación en orden.

6. Organizar entrada

¿Cómo funcionará la entrada a la fiesta? ¿Qué pasa con las pulseras, los boletos, o de mano sellos? Si su evento musical tiene una duración de más de un día, la gente podría querer salir y volver a entrar, por lo que las pulseras son una opción popular en la planificación de un evento concierto al aire libre.

7. Asegúrese de que tiene suficiente seguridad

Boletos para eventos de música puede ser caro, sobre todo si son eventos de fin de semana, así que asegúrese de que es imposible (o al menos muy difícil) para que la gente ‘saltan vallas’ y obtener en forma gratuita. No sólo va a equivaler a la pérdida de ingresos si las personas logran colarse, pero también podría tener la capacidad evento concierto sobre el máximo permitido por razones de salud y seguridad.

8. Piense en el entretenimiento no musical

Es posible que haya tiempo de inactividad entre las series, o posiblemente surgir dificultades técnicas. Asegúrese de que usted tiene otros tipos de entretenimiento para los asistentes, instalaciones de arte, tal vez espectáculos de danza, magos, actores de teatro errantes, actividades infantiles o actos de comedia.

9. Mercado inteligentemente

Marketing de eventos de conciertos al aire libre es lo mismo que la comercialización de otros tipos de eventos, pero tiene avenidas adicionales para explorar. Junto con los medios de comunicación social y de la prensa local, piense en las bandas y actos que se están desempeñando en el evento concierto. Sus fans van a hacer una gran parte de su público, así orientar sus fan-sitios, así como sus puntos de venta habituales.

How to Become an Event Planner

How to Become an Event Planner

[From] If you’re ready to start your event planning career, you may be searching for tips on how to become an event planner, step by step. To help you get started on your journey, here are the basics of what it takes to succeed.

Seven Steps to Building a Successful Event Planning Business

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Step One: Make the Decision to Succeed

Before you call your first potential customer, start a blog or build a website, you must decide that you’ll do what it takes to be successful. Starting any type of new business requires learning new skills, adapting what you learn to your unique marketplace, and persevering when faced with obstacles.

Decide from the beginning that you’ll keep working toward your goals, no matter what.

Step Two: Set Your Goals

Take the time to write out your business goals. How much money do you need to make? How much will you need to charge, and will you charge by the hour or by the event?Establishing a fee schedule makes you appear professional and helps keep your income consistent. Having monthly, quarterly and annual business goals gives you a place to focus as you’re establishing your business.

Step Three: Do Your Research

What type of events do you want to plan and who is your best customer group for those events? How can you reach that group of people most easily? Who is your competition for those customers? Researching the answers to those questions will help to narrow down your business to a specific niche, which makes your marketing more effective.

Step Four: Set Up Your Business to Succeed

Seek out information on taxes, business licenses and insurance, certifications, small business accounting programs and all the details a successful business owner needs to know.

As you’re looking for these answers, you may decide to purchase some type of event planning training.

Tip: A good event planning program should help you map out a path for setting up your business to succeed.

Step Five: Create a Strong Business Profile

Here’s where you begin to package your skills and experience by creating your professional profile, even if you’ve never planned an event professionally. What skills have you gained by planning special occasions for friends, family or charity events? How many people attended those events? You probably learned to interact with vendors such as caterers, equipment rental companies and entertainers, so don’t forget to showcase those abilities, as well. Create a portfolio with photos and ask the event hosts to give you a written recommendation.

Step Six: Get the Word Out

When you’re starting your event planning business from scratch, your marketing strategy builds the framework for future success. A quality event planning program can also guide you through the most effective marketing techniques, including blogging, social media connections, word-of-mouth, print advertising and creative avenues you might not have considered.

Step Seven: Never Stop Learning

As your client list, event portfolio and business income grow, you’ll begin to see what works well for you and what’s not productive. Learn from any missteps you might make and add that to your ever-growing base of business knowledge.

These are the basics in how to become an event planner, step by step.

What steps have you already taken, wish you hadn’t taken or are planning to take this month to build your event management business?

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Nubes flotantes hacer su boda única

Aún preocupado por cómo dar a su novia una boda única y romántica? ¿Qué hay de hacer nubes flotando alrededor de su boda, Apuesto a que tu novia va a encantar !!

Con SmileClouds fabricante, puede realizar diversas formas de las nubes como el corazón, estrella, paloma o el de su nombre de la novia, etc, sin duda hará que su boda sea única, y el impacto de sus invitados !!

Que estas esperando? Contactar rápidamente mí ahora !!!



Nubes flotantes hacer su boda única

9 Tips for Planning an Outdoor Concert Event

Planning an outdoor music event is such an exciting process; the music, the atmosphere, the weather, the people.

To make sure that your concert event is a complete success, follow these tips for a event that rocks.

People cheering at a music festival

People cheering at a concert event

1. Give yourself plenty of time to plan

Planning an outdoor musical event means juggling a lot of balls; you’ll need to arrange bands, vendors and the venue, as well as marketing and selling tickets to the event.  I’d recommend giving yourself months (if not years!) to plan the event from start to finish if you don’t want a last minute panic.

2. Plan the space well

The music event l will need enough open space for the stages you need, plus backstage areas, catering vans, portable bathroom facilities, and of course camping if it’s a weekend festival. Don’t forget that you’ll need a fair amount of space between stages if there’s going to be more than one.

3. You’ll need A LOT of technical equipment

The whole focus of your event is going to be the live music, which means a suitable stage, lighting equipment, sound equipment, and special stage equipment like fog machine, bubble machine foam cloud machine etc.,

8 Tips for Planning an Outdoor Music Event

4. Budget wisely for artists

You might be lucky enough to attract big name musicians to your festival, but be aware of your total artist budget.

If you get one huge star act that uses up your total budget, you’re going to struggle to keep festival-goers entertained for the duration of the festival. Think about having an eclectic mix of unsigned, local talent, up-and-coming bands, with a big name or two thrown in if budget allows.

5. Get the right permits

You may not realize this, but if your concert is being held on public land, you’re likely to need a permit from the city. The last thing you want is to get shut down on the day because you don’t have your paperwork in order.

6. Organize entrance

How will entrance to the festival work? What about wristbands, tickets, or hand-stamps? If your music event runs for more than one day, people might want to leave and come back in, which is why wristbands are a popular choice when planning an outdoor concert event.

7. Make sure you have enough security

Music event tickets can be pricy, especially if they’re weekend events, so make sure that it’s impossible (or at least very difficult) for people to ‘hop fences’ and get in for free. Not only will it equate to lost revenue if people manage to sneak in, but it could also take the concert event capacity over the maximum allowed for health and safety reasons.

8. Think about non-musical entertainment

There may be downtime between sets, or possibly technical difficulties arise. Make sure that you’ve got other types of entertainment for attendees, art installations, maybe dance shows, magicians, wandering theatre players, kids’ activities or comedy acts.

9. Market cleverly

Marketing outdoor concert events is much the same as marketing other types of events, but you do have extra avenues to explore. Along with social media and local press, think about the bands and acts that are performing at the concert event. Their fans are going to make up a large part of your audience, so target their fan-sites as well as your usual outlets.

Nueva forma de publicidad aérea 2015

Wanna la publicidad en el cielo?

Cielo escritura? Globo aerostático? Los dirigibles? demasiado caro …

Aquí es una nueva forma de publicidad aérea, necesitará sólo un fabricante de SmileClouds, entonces usted puede mostrar logotipo, palabra o cualquier forma flotando por todo el cielo, que el cielo su espacio publicitario. Visible dentro de 5 KM! No se puede ser más llamativo y creativo!

aerial billboard

Para obtener más información, por favor haga clic en este official website !


Youtube video:

21 Publicidad en línea que te hará llorar o reír

La publicidad en línea es a menudo animado e interesante, siempre se puede atraer la atención de la gente. Pero pueden hacer fácilmente la gente llorar o reír si se coloca al lado del contenido equivocado.

Usted también podría estar interesado en:

¿Los fembots lloran también?


Qué haría Jesús?


Malasia aerolínea estrelló debe culpar de Apple?


Este es el controlador Uber que intentó irrumpir en la casa de su pasajero después de dejarla en el aeropuerto.


orgulloso ?


¿Quieren desarrollar un mercado de carne de cerdo para instar a la paz en Jerusalén


Listos, apunten …


La respuesta es definitivamente sí!


Estás siendo observado.


Deja tu arma!


NO quiero ver ese video.


Red Stripe es grande, pero no es para 11 años de edad.


Vick fue sentenciado a 25 meses en la cárcel por el abuso del perrito, mientras que los anuncios es uno más nuevo cachorro?


¿En serio?


Buscando suicidio, sólo lo hacen? no es alentador


Usted es el mal si te ríes de esto.


No es por eso que vuelo


No es la técnica de asar a la parrilla que estaba buscando.


¿Está realmente bien?




Sabemos que es genio!


Leer más: 7 Creative Ideas For Roadshow Advertising

8 Creative Ideas to Attract More People to Your Event

Smart planners know they can’t rely on the same database of attendees year after year to fill their events. But how do you reach new people? Consider using some of these practical strategies from other trade shows and conferences.

1. YouTube videos
Nearly half of the 20,000 people who attended Sapphire Now this year were first-time attendees. The German software company strategically courts new guests to its annual customer conference by focusing on educating them how to get the most out of the event experience. One part of the strategy involves a series of YouTube videos, each no more than one minute long, that are shared through SAP’s social channels. “The videos are about the value and benefits of coming to Sapphire Now. You can do in three days what it would normally take you three months to do, because here the entire SAP ecosystem is in one place,” says Michael Trovalli, SAP’s vice president of global events. Some of the videos offered practical tips for first-time guests, with topics such as “Checking in at the Conference,” “Transportation Overview,” “Creating Your Agenda,” and “What’s on the Show Floor.” By the time the conference began in early June, Trovalli says views of the brand’s YouTube channel were up 1,200 percent compared to one year earlier.

2. Eye-catching event equipment

Choosing an eye-catching event equipment will efficiently attract the more attendees or passerby come around your event site, for example the innovative foam cloud making machine made by smileclouds company, which can continuously produce any shaped of clouds floating to the sky, like your logo, word, slogan etc, make the sky your advertising space, people around 5 KM can see it, instantly attract people comes around and make your event special. More info:,

8 Creative Ideas to Attract more people to Your Event8 Creative Ideas to Attract more people to Your Event

3. Complimentary registration
The Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event is an annual trade show and conference for the hair, beauty, nail, and spa industries that has grown steadily each year, with more than 55,000 people attending the most recent event in early June. But organizers know there are still many salon professionals who have never attended, so this year they created a program targeting owners of salons in the southeastern United States. Dubbed “By Invitation Only,” the offer included free registration for the three-day event, an exclusive education program on Saturday with presentations on best practices from five salons around the country, an evening reception, and a breakfast on Sunday. Organizers said about 100 people accepted the invitation, and they intend to continue the program next year.

4. Exhibiting at other shows
N.P.E.: The International Plastics Showcase is a triennial event that is the world’s largest plastics trade show and conference. More than 50,000 people attended the most recent one in 2012, but organizers know there is potential for the event to grow since plastics are used in so many industries, such as medical, automotive, and packaging. As they gear up for 2015, organizers are looking for opportunities to exhibit at other trade shows that reach some of those peripheral markets. “We are always looking to create multipliers—any sort of entity that already has a community and a reach into the market we are trying to attract, and figure out a way to work with that group to give them some value and get their community interested in why they should come to our event,” says Brad Williams, director of trade show marketing and sales for S.P.I.: The Plastics Industry Trade Association, which produces the event.

From July 8 to 10, representatives from the plastics association will be exhibiting at SemiCon West in San Francisco, a trade show for the microelectronics industry. The exhibit will demonstrate 3-D printing from Stratasys, a company that regularly exhibits at N.P.E. and that has agreed to be a partner in the new outreach effort. Williams says they selected 3-D printing because they know it’s a hot topic that will attract attention on the show floor. Association staff will be there to hand out free floor passes for N.P.E.’s 2015 event, and Williams says they are looking for similar opportunities at trade shows in other markets.

8 Creative Ideas to Attract more People to Your Event

5. Content marketing
Many brands and organizations have embraced content marketing as a way to keep potential attendees interested and engaged throughout the year. The term refers to the concept of providing a steady stream of useful and relevant information to a target audience, in the form of blog posts, newsletters, webinars, or podcasts. Interop, a twice-yearly event for the information technology community, communicates with potential attendees through a blog that provides articles and resources on hot topics within the industry. The event is owned by UBM Tech, and the blog is posted on InformationWeek, an online news site also owned by that company. The blog’s editor, Andrew Conry-Murray, is testing a book club as a way to engage his readers in the weeks leading up to the New York conference in September (his selection is No Place to Hide, journalist Glenn Greenwald’s account of his encounters with former government contractor Edward Snowden). Conry-Murray is posting updates as he reads the book, and he plans to host an in-person discussion at the fall conference.

6. Targeted emails
The National Business Aviation Association serves a variety of professionals in the business aviation industry, from pilots and dispatchers to maintenance staff. Rather than sending the same marketing materials to its entire database, the association sends customized messages to different segments of its target audiences for its eight conferences and three large trade shows. “If you are a pilot, here are the top three reasons you should plan to attend this show. And those may be completely different than the email to the schedulers and dispatchers,“ says Aimee Kaufman, director of marketing for the association. “So we are always trying to talk in a targeted way instead of blanketing them with generic messages that may not apply to them.” Kaufman says the marketing message is also different for past attendees versus people who have never attended.

7. Remarketing
Remarketing is an automated advertising concept first offered by Google and now also available through Facebook and Twitter. It allows brands and event organizers to reach people who have previously visited their websites by showing them relevant ads as they search other sites online. “We have begun using remarketing to promote our events,” Kaufman says. “This means that once they click on any of our Web pages that pertain to that event, a Web banner ad promoting that event will then follow them around—both on our N.B.A.A. website, but also throughout the Web on other websites they visit. We are big proponents that everything we do is about touch points. You want to be in front of them as much as you can, and hopefully one of those touch points will get them to register.”

8. Free Webcasts
Educause, a nonprofit association for information technology leaders in higher education, provides a number of Webcasts for its hybrid conferences that are open to anyone, anytime, via the conference homepage. Victoria Fanning, director of hybrid and online meetings, says these are intended to give people a “taste of the conference,” and ideally convert them to in-person attendees.

Floating Clouds Make Your Wedding Unique

Still troubled for how to give your bride an unique and romantic wedding? How about make clouds floating all around your wedding, I bet your bride will love it !!

With SmileClouds maker, you can make various shapes of clouds like heart, star, dove or your bride’s name etc., surely will make your wedding unique, and impact your guests!!

What are you waiting for? Quickly contact me now !!!



Floating clouds make your wedding unique

21 Online Advertising that Will Make You Crying or Laughing

Online advertising is often lively and interesting, always can attract the attention of people. But they can easily make people crying or laughing if placed next to the wrong content.

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This is the Uber driver who tried to break into his passenger’s house after dropping her off at the airport.


Proud ?


Do they want to develop a pork markets to urge peace in Jerusalem


Ready, aim…


The answer is definitely yes !


You’re being watched.


Drop your gun !


I do NOT want to see that video.


Red Stripe is great, but it’s not for 11-year-old.


Vick was sentenced to 25 months in jail for abuse puppy, while the ads is one more new puppy ?


Really ?


Searching suicide, just do it ? it’s not encouraging


You’re evil if you laugh at this.


That’s NOT why I fly.17

Not the grilling technique I was looking for.


Are you really fine?




We know you are genius !


Read more: 7 Creative Ideas For Roadshow Advertising

30 Brilliant and Creative Advertisements

Here are 30 best creative advertising messages that I have found across the web in recent times. They have used some great techniques and ideas in all of these ads and I think they are brilliant!

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